Monday, January 27, 2025


         On Friday last week I had it off from both of my jobs from Dollar General & at a school as an instructional assistant it's similar to being a tutor to kids the grades are kindergarten to 3rd grade. Up until April of last year I was working at a school that had 5th Through 8th grade students. The reason I said up until April was there was conflict between myself & the administration mind you I have been working with the district since 1998 & the school since 2009. So they gave me choice I could either quit,get fired, or transfer to another school well....sorry I need the $$$$$$ to support my hobby & interest as well pay my bills & such. So I moved onto another location. 

           This brings me to where I went on my day off.  I went to the same shop I went to the week before where I located the starter portion of the 1978 Jack Wallin Grand Slam Set. I spent a good 5 hours rummaging through the dime boxes as well the quarters finding some more of my needs which I was very excited to cross off as well get closer to completing some of my needs mainly in my hockey department. Then I thought of some of the sets I have made through the years in some cases I made more than 1 of the same set like I have 3 complete 1983 Fleer sets. Which also brings me to my thoughts currently I have a run in Topps baseball sets from 1971 (which I am still working on) to 2024 with the exception of my 1967 Topps set & the 1964 Topps Giant set. I saw 1 box that had a good portion of the 1970 Topps set I wondered if I should go for it & try to do it or not. I might make up my mind after I finish off 2 more sets on my wants in baseball. 

           I ask my readers of my blog I know most of you aren't set builders but this is for those that are I like to hear from you. Should I do the 1970 set or not & I am tempted to do the 1987 Fleer Set for the second time as well so which one should I do.  Stay tuned to the blog sometime in February I have a great contest challenge again I call BEAT THE CLOCK you'll have to wait & see what happens until then I am reminded of Rogers Hornsby talking about signing autographs for kids "Any Ballplayer who doesn't sign for little kids ain't an American, he's a Communist." 


  1. I'd vote for doing a first set over doing a second; never really saw the point of second sets, but to each their own.

    Either way I should be able to help with a few cards.

  2. I vote for the 1970 set as well.

  3. I would go for the 1970 set as it adds to a run and isn’t a duplicate set. I think I had a dupe of Mike McCormick from the ‘70 set if you need it.

  4. Sorry to hear about the forced transfer, but hopefully you're enjoying those K thru 3rd Grade kids. As for the sets... I'd probably go with the 1970 Topps over your second 1987 Fleer. However if you decide to build the 1987 set... I actually might have some singles from that set.

  5. I vote '70 set, too, I don't understand completing a set again (buyback sets excluded, of course!). I have a handful of '70 dupes from my chase that I could send ... Weirdly I haven't finished the '87 Fleer set and can't give myself the boost to get it done.

  6. As a set collector myself, do it. Lol

    Also, I can't find your about thr mystical. Please drop me an email at :)
