Are Mike Trout, Clayton Kershaw, & Pete Alonzo these 3 Gentlemen the last of a dying breed in Major League Baseball. What do these 3 men have in common. Well as of February 5th 2025 when Pete Alonzo came to terms with the Mets he marked his place of staying on the same team & not leaving to play elsewhere as of the time of this blog posting.
All 3 of these men are in careers that have them heading to Cooperstown even though injuries in the case of Trout & Kershaw records reflect. All 3 still showcased being a valuable player for their respective teams by either being a MVP of a All-Star Game like Trout has won to Kershaw winning Cy Young Awards as well throwing a No Hitter as well being a World Champion with the Dodgers to Alonzo winning Rookie of the Year after hitting 53 Home Runs his rookie Season.
So I think these 3 of these men will be the last to play for 1 team throughout their careers my question is for my readers do you see anyone else that might just do it or do you agree with the 3 players I mentioned. I know that sure Jose Altuve is a dark horse but I think he might jump to another team if the Astros were to struggle & not make a post season run & some team needed a "Little" pop to help them out. I know that this post isn't a big one but I just thought I would see what others think of this topic. As I am reminded by the great Rajah when he was talking about signing autographs for little kids once said "Any Ballplayer who doesn't sign autographs for little kids ain't an American, He's a Communist."