Wednesday, September 11, 2024



                      Back on August 15, 2001 I got a letter in the mail saying ".....We're looking forward to hearing from you for this internship before August 27th so we can get your flight ticket reserved for your arrival on September 7th & flight back home on September 11th from Logan International....".  Little did I know that I would've been on a flight from Logan International Airport heading home only possibly not returning ever again & my avid reader you wouldn't be reading this blog due to a change in plans. I was excited to check out the Boston area maybe go to Fenway for a tour as well check out the Bull & Finch pub (Made famous from a Television show that renamed the pub "Cheers") for a quick pint. The day I received the letter I got a call from the local school district that I was going into my 3rd year at the time working for to be asked if I was coming back to work & remind me that the first day of school was coming up on August 27th & that a school already requested for me to work on that day. So I had to decline the offer on the internship. Its funny how fate can change ones path in life.

                I worked those first couple of days at different buildings in the district but, then on September 7th I was asked if I could work the 11th at 1 of the local High Schools & to report in at 9:30 AM to get my paperwork done & where to report to do my job that day. So I woke up on the 11th to a phone call my mother reminding me to get up in time to catch the bus on time that was at 9:00 AM with the bus being there around 9:20 for a quick 10 minute commute so I told my mother I had been up already & was watching the Today Show seeing what I thought was a replay of the 1st plane hitting Tower #1. 

Instead what I was watching was the 2nd plane hitting Tower #2 live while talking to my mother & explaining what I just witnessed she then told me to hang up & get my butt to that High School quicker then expected cause who knows what might happened next. So I did what I was told to do only to catch it earlier then expected there at the High School 15 minutes earlier. Upon arriving at the school I broke up a fight as soon I entered the building since the school security wasn't around to prevent it. After that quick scrum I was pointed to the office only to find the office staff watching TV talking about the planes that crashed in New York. 

              They were gasping at the sight of the tower collapsing to rubble wondering if anyone was alive after it fell & they stood there speechless they handed me my assignment. I did my job that day still in shock of what I witnessed & then I quickly headed over to the Michigan State University Campus to the Union building so I could check my email upon getting into my email I saw that I had an email from my friend in Austria. 

               In the email from Stefan (if you want his back story I suggest you read my August 6th post about him) in the email he stated ".......What The HELL is going on in the USA" I shot him an email back that I had no clue on what was going on since the news reports were covering the events as they unfold & they as well didn't have any explanation for what just occurred as well. 

                      I walked home that night after spending 5 hours at the Union watching as the news reports on the events. I had heard 1 of the flights took off from Logan International Airport & it was the flight I was supposed to be on for my flight back home. Shaking my head in disbelief how was it that I spared from being on that flight.

                    The next morning I was woken up with a call from overseas from Stefan who wanted to check on his American family in Michigan I told him check on your Uncle in New York not Michigan cause see if he was near the Towers after arguing with him he said he would check with them.  

                He called me back saying everyone was fine & they were still stunned by what happened on the 11th. I then told him about what might have been he told me I was lucky that my plans had changed cause he wouldn't forget about his American Brother.

                   As I type this post I have been listening to patriotic type music from Alan Jackson,Lee Greenwood to even the late Toby Keith to even taking a listen to the song "Angel Flight".  Also as you read this post I placed the subset from the 2001 Upper Deck Legends of New York United We Stand I did this in memory of those that lost their lives on that faithful date 23 years ago today. 

                         These images should never let us forget. I have friends that are firefighters as soon the call came out they wanted help clearing the rubble from the Towers they were on their way to help out. 1 of my friends back in 2011 the 10 year anniversary told me that it took them 7 hours to drive from Michigan to Ground Zero & after arriving even though they were sleep deprived they were up for the task of the labor of digging through the rubble in hopes that they could find any survivors. 

                Even though I haven't gone to see the memorial I have driven past the final destination of Flight 93 that crashed in Stoystown,Pa. on my way to see my friend Greg. I've sometimes find myself saying a little prayer to those that had the courage to take down the flight like they did that's why the title of this post is dedicated to Todd Beamer & the others who attacked the terrorists with the now famous words "Let's Roll".

2996 people never will we forget them on this day.

1649 out of 2753 victim remains have been positively identified.

           Normally I would quote Rogers Hornsby as I finish this post but in honor & respect I ask you at 9:01 AM EST.  

            Whatever faith your currently guided by let it remind you that we shall never forget those brave Americans. Thank you for taking the time to reflect on what September 11, 2001 means to this person.

1 comment:

  1. There are only a handful of days in my lifetime that I can name and picture where I was at that exact moment. September 11, 2001 was one of those days.
