Friday, July 12, 2024


                    Someone the other day asked if I was a savaged person when it came to collecting my cards. I am not a savage of any sorts except when it comes to completing my sets. I have been to where if I am at a show or a shop & I find the last card to complete a set or find the right vein in a box of singles have been known to drop words that sounds like I have a bad case of Tourette Syndrome. In some cases I usually bite my tongue when there's young individuals under the age of 13 around me during those times or I sometimes reserve myself in saying it in American Sign Language, so I don't get parents looking at my direction wondering did they hear me say what they thought I said.  

This 1985 Garbage Pail Kid card was given to me back in the day so I guess it does seem fitting in how I attack card finding. Best part of this card my name is spelled correctly on the front of it. I have had people think I spell my name S-T-E-W-A-R-T & I usually go off on them & tell them its correct spelling & tell them I am just like the "LITTLE" mouse but I am not that little anymore.

Just yesterday I was able to go to West side of Michigan to check out an antique store that my girlfriend & I like to visit whenever we're in the area I was lucky to find a few cards to get me closer to completing a couple sets then we moved on to a shop that my girlfriend & my friend Greg found when Greg visited me this last year that I have yet to visit. I noticed they didn't have much of the old school cards I mainly was looking for but I dug in finding a card that completed a set with young individuals nearby I did my sign language excited that I completed 1 set at least. I then moved on to another couple boxes having 3 boxes to rummage through I came across the last card happened to be a RC of the individual I almost let loose the words but again held back so tight it also came in the last box I was going to go through for the night. Oh yeah the price of the 2 cards I found to complete the 2 sets $.50 total a $.25 per card can't fight those prices.

So I guess I'll leave it to my readers do you think I am a savage or not I look forward to hearing what you think also sometime next week keep reading my blog & tell others about it as well. I will be giving away some cards to anyone who wants to pick through what I have available there will be a limit of 5 cards per person unless I don't have enough people then Ill run a contest to see who gets them all so keep reading until then I am reminded by what Rogers Hornsby once said......"Any ballplayer who doesn't sign autographs for little kids ain't an American, he's a communist."


  1. Don't know you well enough to be able to describe you as being a savage or not. I feel like it's such a strong word and not something I'd use to describe many collectors.

  2. You're just a savage on the exclamation point key....

  3. People often add an "h" to my name. It's not something that's worth getting uppity over though. I just let them know that there's no "h" and move on.
