Monday, July 8, 2024


               I really don't understand why certain people have to do what they consider right. What I am referring about is what took place over this last weekend at a show outside of the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. These crooks stealing high-priced graded cards from a dealer as the show was winding down. First off to the crooks who did this act why did you do it did this dealer not want to purchase your comp cry me a river if that's the answer. Understand your holding onto 2.5" x 3.5"Rogers Horne cardboard that someone thought it might deserve a certain grade in their opinion. 

               If you think you will be able to resell these cards you gotta be even more stupid than seeing the Navy adding screen doors to the submarines or watching a clown making balloon animals with lead balloons. Lately I have seen way too many people at one of my jobs make this claim  "......I steal products cause I'm entitled to it cause I've had a rough life."  Give me a Flumpy Break. I hope that they can capture these worthless people. 

           The latest theft reminds me of when I was walking around soaking the excitement of a National Sports Card Convention in Chicago in 2005 I over heard a customer bragged how he duped a dealer in selling a custom made autographed baseball supposedly signed by Chick Gandil on the sweet spot that was supposedly found in this persons Grandparents house & given to them upon their passing. Those wondering who is Chick Gandil well........ he was 1 of 8 that played 1st base of infamous Chicago White Sox of the 1919 team known Black Sox that gambled on the series that year against Cincinnati. The guy even bragged how he learned how to doctor a cheap $3 baseball you can find at any sporting goods store by another guy & thankfully they took the videos down on YouTube how to make counterfeit vintage cards out of reprints as well to making a baseball older than it should be. Yes I reported this guy to local authority figures to put this schuzz-bucket behind bars. Needless to say if I saw happen again I would report it all over again. So I leave you with this thought before I sign off what kind of punishment would you hand down if you were the judge on this case. Until then remember Rogers Hornsby once said "Any ballplayer who doesn't sign for little kids ain't an American, he's a communist."

1 comment:

  1. Damn. I had seen some thumbnails on YouTube about this theft but didn't click on any until after reading this post. Truly a sad and disturbing event in our hobby. Hope they are able to identify these guys and the cards are returned.
