Wednesday, January 1, 2025



              Its 2025 I didn't think I would make it this far in my life talking about cards. The truth is later this year I will embark on a milestone in my life that I hope to be part of. On the 14th of this month will mark the 4th anniversary of my older brother's death he was 48 when he died. I can clearly see him still in his old bedroom 3 days earlier trying to figure out why his little brother was at his parents house watching a damn college football game even though his team was losing the National Championship Game to Alabama. His last words to me "Maybe they'll win it next year stay safe going home brother say hi to your girlfriend for me & we'll get together real soon." As I was going home I had hoped my older brother would get back custody of his 2 boys (Harlan & Heath my 2 nephews whom I won't get a chance to watch grow up & be a great Uncle to them & try to convince them collecting cards is better then their old mans hobby of comic books).

               Sorry for the early downer part of this post but as the year progressed I was able to travel down to see a friend named Steve in Mississippi & bring him back with me to Michigan in time for the National Sports Card Convention in Rosemont,Illinois (Chicago again where the 2025 National will be). I'll discuss the details about this trip sometime later this year & how I planned my trip to the results on what happened as well. I just hope that I can make my milestone a great celebration with my readers of my blog & hopes I can achieve my New Years Card Resolutions compared to my fellow bloggers whom I have seen struggle in accomplishing their goals of the New Year. So with that I present to you my 10 Resolutions for this New Year here in 2025. Ill be doing a follow up every 3 months to see if there's any success or not.

1. Try to completing either my `03/`04 Topps or Upper Deck Basketball sets by getting LeBron James RCs.

2. Try completing my `79/`80 Topps Hockey set by finding an inexpensive Gretzky RC.

3. Meet at the National Sports Card Convention at least 3 people from the blogging world or 4 from that aren't my friend Greg from The Collective Mind blog.

4. Purchase a 1967 Brooks Robinson #600 under $300

5. Take down at least 10 names from my 1975 O PEE CHEE baseball list before the end of September. 

6. Celebrate my milestone birthday by getting some great cards off from my lists.

7. Celebrate my 1 year anniversary of blogging by still blogging & have more insights for my readers to enjoy.

8. Hope by March madness rolls in to have at least 6 people take on an upcoming challenge that aren't my friend Greg from The Collective Mind blog.

9.  Find the elusive Bob Gibson Seagram's 7 baseball legends mirror (Stay Tuned about a piece about these mirrors) for under $100. 

10. Delete 10 sets from all 4 Sports by Game 1 of the 2025 World Series. 

       Those are my 10 Resolutions for the year I hope to accomplish some of the as for the card on the top of this post it was 1 of the 3 Autographs I was lucky to get within the case break that my friend Greg & I did way back in June when I first started my blog it was a fun time I wonder when the High Numbers will be released & what sorta inserts will be within them I guess Ill have to wait & see until then I am reminded about another thing about autographs that Rogers Hornsby once said about signing for little kids "Any Ballplayer who doesn't sign autographs for little kids ain't an American, he's a Communist."


  1. I hope you can satisfy each of those resolutions. Have a great New Year.

  2. A. Happy New Year! Best of luck on your New Year's resolutions.

    B. Nice Simba signature.

    C. Hope you get a chance to hang out and maybe collect cards with your two nephews eventually.

    D. Haven't forgotten to build your care package. The holiday break has been very busy and most of my free time has been spent on reading and commenting on blog posts. But don't worry... I will dig through your lists before my break is over.

  3. I would say that Simmons card has a perfect companion in the Al Hrabosky auto that appeared in Archives about 10-ish years ago.
